
Xbox360 Achievements: Reward For Beating Up Poor People

On November 9th, 2010, I was awarded my 10,000th Xbox Achievement point. The task that pushed me over the 10k mark, you might ask? Pushing down poor people in the original Assassin’s Creed. This got me thinking about all the other achievement points that I earned over the course of the last 4 years. How […]


Halo Reach Update

Bungie released new details about the much anticipated release of Halo Reach last week, including a new video trailer. As I have stated previously after playing the Halo Reach Multiplayer Beta, this game is high on my list for 2010. The new information announced only confirms my beliefs about how good this game is going […]


Halo Reach Beta Impressions

The Halo Reach beta test launched about two weeks ago and I have had quite a bit of time to play the game. I took notes for the rest of you that may not have had as much time or the chance to check it out yet. Overall I am pretty happy with the updates […]