
Nickelodeon: TMNT Games Coming Soon

Nickelodeon and Activision announced that they have entered into an agreement to develop and publish games based upon the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles animated series. The new series began in September 2012 and has aired 14 episodes so far with a total of 26 episodes scheduled for this season.

The announcement of a new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game has been expected for some time now as games published by previous TMNT rights holder, Konami, were removed from digital download services such as Microsoft’s Xbox Live Arcade and Nintendo’s Wii Shop Channel last year. Activision becomes the 3rd company to hold the game publishing rights the TMNT series following previously mentioned Konami and Ubisoft.

The statement given today did not list any specific consoles or any release dates. It also did not specify which studio under Activision would be developing the games. Given the success that Activision has had with the Prototype and Spider-Man series’ (which like TMNT, take place in New York City), don’t be surprised if either Radical Entertainment or Beenox are tapped for the TMNT series as well.

For more information and episodes of the new Nickelodeon Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles animated series, head over to the Official Site.