
Nintendo Fans Unite for Operation Rainfall

As a Nintendo fanboy, it is my duty to get as many eyes as possible on this story. A group of Wii owners (upset at the lack of quality games for the Wii as it dies a slow, painful death) have taken to the internets and the IGN message boards in hopes of gaining the attention of one Reggie Fils-Aime.

You see, Mr. Fils-Aime is the President and Chief Operating Officer for Nintendo of America and is the man that could pull the trigger for North American localization for several highly regarded Wii titles that have been on store shelves in Japan for several months now. These three titles could provide Wii owners and fans of Japanese RPG’s hours and hours of gameplay and a much better regard for the end of the Wii life cycle.

The group, calling themselves Operation Rainfall, is attempting to have Xenoblade, The Last Story, and Pandora’s Tower translated to English in order to make them available for sale in North America. I’ve included a collection of videos for these titles below so you can decide for yourself if you think this is a noble cause or a waste of time.

All three of the games contain the standard issue JRPG, Final Fantasy looking, emo hair cut wearing, is that a dude or a chick characters that you would expect. I will withhold judgement on the gameplay for these titles until I have them in my collection. However, I must say that the idea of going straight to the top of an organization like Nintendo of America in order to get a game brought over from Japan is a fantastic idea. I cannot believe that it has not been done before now. If this all works out, I vote for Operation Rainfall to shift their focus toward getting the Earthbound series brought to the North American Wii Shop.

Should you decide to support Operation Rainfall, you can check out the original forum post on the IGN Forums or head straight over to their website for further details on their plans to gain the attention of Mr. Fils-Aime. You can also follow them on Twitter @oprainfall.