
Mario VS Donkey Kong: Mayhem Nintendo Style

Nintendo’s next big offering for the DS is coming from a series that hasn’t been getting much love. As the 3rd installment in the series (4th if you count the DSiWare download), Mario VS Donkey Kong: Mini-land Mayhem! I got a chance to check this game out at E3 2010 and it definitely looked like another worthy entry into the series.

If you haven’t heard of the Mario VS Donkey Kong series, you are not alone. The first game was out for the Game Boy Advance and the second edition doesn’t make many appearances on DS ‘Must Own’ lists. This is a puzzle solving game where you play as Mario sending wind-up mechanical Marios to make their way up ramps, ladders, and lifts to make it to the top and take out Donkey Kong. The touch screen is the primary control method, as you will use it to enable and disable warp pipes, as well as drawing lines between different points on the map to use girders to avoid traps. The object is to complete the levels as quickly as possible while collecting coins and other various items throughout the maps to score the most points possible.

The main new upgrade to this game is the level creation mode and the ability to upload and download new levels via Wi-Fi. The game will come with 200 new levels and you can download up to 160 more user created levels. Expect there to be special contests from Nintendo on this to see who can make the coolest new levels. You can add Mario VS Donkey Kong: Mini-Land Mayhem to your collection when it hits store shelves on November 14th of this year.