
Nintendo at Penny Arcade Expo

Nintendo opened its doors to the gaming press at E3 in Los Angeles back in June. Starting September 3rd, consumers will get their first chance to play the upcoming Fall lineup at PAX in Seattle. Just like at E3, The Penny Arcade Expo will feature playable versions of Donkey Kong Country Returns, Kirby’s Epic Yarn, Metroid: Other M, 007 Goldeneye, and NBA Jam.

PAX visitors however, are being given the first chance to play Fluidity, a new physics-based puzzle game due out on WiiWare this Fall. Fluidity will focus on moving water in its liquid, ice, and cloud forms through a series of increasingly difficult puzzles. No further details on Fluidity are available at this time, so look forward to more on this and Metroid: Other M next week.

The Big N is also continuing is tremendous show of support for Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies. Visitors who bring their Nintendo DS system along with their copy of Dragon Quest IX will have the chance to download a special map called “Orgodemir” through the Tag Mode feature of the game. There will be a separate lounge with a Dragon Quest IX theme for players to meet up and download the new map as well. This lounge will increase the chance for you to meet the crazy person that Nintendo Tweeted about earlier this week, with over 150 hours logged into Dragon Quest IX. Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of Starry Skies was released on July 11th of this year.

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