
Photo Dojo – Nintendo DSi Preview

It has now been one year since the release of the Nintendo DSi, and with that came the launch of DSiWare. DSiware is essentially the Wii Shop for the DS. It was launched with many promises of exclusive content only available to people who switch from the DSLite to the DSi. One year, five Sudoku games, ten Solitaire titles and fifteen Mario alarm clocks later, many have been left wondering when the exclusive content is going to stop being exclusive garbage. That time may be coming soon with the release of Photo Dojo.

Photo Dojo will be released on DSiWare sometime this Spring and looks quite promising. Taking advantage of the DSi camera and microphone, you take thirteen pictures for the action sequences and ten audio recordings for the sound effects. The different poses and audio clips turn you and your friends into the main characters of the game. It is currently available on DSiWare in the Land of the Rising Sun as “Photo Fighter X” and costs $2, count ‘em, $2 bucks to download. Until then, enjoy your Sudoku and Solitaire.